Wednesday, July 14

Daisy Lowe and College Talk


So as senior year approaches I have been preparing college lists and blah blah blah so heres my college perspectives know if you care lol

1. St. John's University (Queens, New York)
2. Rutger's University (Newark, New Jersey)
3. Temple Unoversity (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
4. Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
5. Marymount College (Manhattan, New York)
6. Seton Hall University (South Orange, New Jersey)
7. Montclair University (Montclair New Jersey)
8. Towson University (Towson, Maryland)
9. Marymount University (Arlington, Virginia)
10. Long Island University (Long Island, New York)

I knoooow this is not a fashion post BUT a lot of people ask me and here it is in descendinding order from dream school to acceptable school. All I know is I'm excited to start the proccess. ^_^


She. said...

Yay, What if we become roommates at STJ XD. LIU(Brooklyn Campus) is definitely on my list...but definitely the last ! I'm excited to start the process too !

Tiffany Marie said...

OMG yes!!!! that would be sooo cool and LIU seems nice just St.Johns is so appealing