I am kind of embarassed I'm about to turn 17 and I don't know how to put on eyeliner. Ugh I need help.... SAT's, AP Exam's, Driving School= too much stress. I'm about to be 17 soon and I'm trying to figure out how to ring in this sick new year I have less then 3 months to figure out. Oh and Amanda Blank is coming to DC hopefully I get tickets (*fingers crossed*)
Okay so I'm officially back on board.I finally got a new camera and my priorites straight now I can come back to blogging my flat little butt away. Oh and I guess here is a list of some of my more practical goals of 2010
1. PARTY!!!!!!!
2. Become a senior in the fall
3. Learn how to apply eyeliner (if you have any tips please fill me in cause I know nothing about make-up
4. Make it to 2011!!!!!! Cause thats when I finally turn legal!!!!!!