I woke up to the news line stating "Carine Roitfeld will resign as the editor of French Vogue" via refinery29. I guess it really is the end of an era. Even Kanye tweeted in response of the news stating "Carine is awesome" Well basically that seems to be a worldwide consensus
Carine's first French Vogue cover under her editorial February 2001
Lately I've been so into a lot of simple outfits with statement shoes. Those boots are so ground-breaking (um no pun truly intended). Well I'm at home recovering from my wisdom teeth surgery from yesterday and enjoying the snow. Also I'd love if my acceptance letters would start rolling in...
Oh and enjoy this song has been stuck in my head all week
So as senior year approaches I have been preparing college lists and blah blah blah so heres my college perspectives Enjoy...you know if you care lol
1. St. John's University (Queens, New York) 2. Rutger's University (Newark, New Jersey) 3. Temple Unoversity (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 4. Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 5. Marymount College (Manhattan, New York) 6. Seton Hall University (South Orange, New Jersey) 7. Montclair University (Montclair New Jersey) 8. Towson University (Towson, Maryland) 9. Marymount University (Arlington, Virginia) 10. Long Island University (Long Island, New York)
I knoooow this is not a fashion post BUT a lot of people ask me and here it is in descendinding order from dream school to acceptable school. All I know is I'm excited to start the proccess. ^_^
ah offically back and ready to do justice new camera coming very very soon and I'm in love with it since someone decided to "borrow without asking and never return" my last camera. oh well i never like to focus on any type of negativity too much anyways i looooove the second dress from the right in the first photo gimme gimme gimme now
Spring is usually the best but this year not so much. Ugh my seniors are leaving me behind in highschool,a few personal issues,exams finals projects,junioritis and working at pizza hut ugh. Whatever I'm getting back on track. I have to search long and hard for a prom dress and I lost my camera soooo. But the good news is after yesterday I'm unoffically a senior!!!! WOOOOOOO one more year of hell....er i mean highschool lol. And I got a new paid internship for the summer I'm so anxious!!! As you see I'm really feeling hats just to taake an edge off of my outfits. Soooooo there will be a lot more in my future. Lol I'm chilling my clothes out a little. Well let me go finish this 20 page paper ugh
This is going to be like the third birthday I can remember with no rain. Other ones include my 7th birthday and my 16th birthday. What to do????? Ahhh I want to go to a club but the DC area is so limited for teens to party unless your in to gogo music. Which I really cant party to. But yeah I'm going to find something believe me!!!!
I'm going to keep this brief. Spring break has been good so far. I finally got to relax some. I visited Marymount on saturday and now I'm pretty much sure I want to go to Howard. Its just whenever I try to tour something goes wrong. I started working on Monday now I'm turned off by the thought of pizza lol. And oh yeah the Wiz Khalifa show was sooooooooo good ahhhhhh he looks that much more gorgeous in person and he definitely killed my favorite song "on the pill". Well I have to get ready for work everybody go out and enjoy this beautiful weather we've been having. OH AND 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY =)!!!!!!!!! And BTW if you havent noticed I have a slight girl crush on signe she's the one on the far left on the ladder.
So ALOT has happened these past two weeks I hope yo guys understand. But I think evrything's under control now. Spring break starts Thursday at 4:05 pm and yeah I'm extremely bummed (sarcastic tone). This springbreak is going to be good. I'm going to visit two of the three schools in my list. I visited University of MD today and loved it. But on Saturday I'm visiting Marymount University and next Thursday I'm going up to Howard University. Then on Sunday (drumroll please) I get to see one of my favorite rappers Wiz Khalifa (aaaaahhhhh guys with tattoos. It was my early birthday present to myself (which is April 8 in 16 days) but yeah my bestfriend is going (against his will of course). But yeah I'm pretty excited. I found a job at Pizza Hut because yeah my thrifting visits as cheap as the finds are drain my pockets.By the way yeah I know I look silly but I was waiting for my mother at her job and boredums a feamle dog. And for those who were curious this is Wiz Khalifa......
I'm in a complete rut right now sorry for the lack of posts. I'll be back to normal by the end of the weekend. I just need to work out some personal things. But today marks 36 days before my 17th birthday and this is basically the look I'm lusting for right and I'd kill for the shoes. Email me tiffanymarie493@yahoo.com follow me twitter.com/thetiffanymarie. Have a Great Weekend everybody